Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 3- Need to Number 2

So today's run was not so good because about 1/2 a mile into it I had to take a duece.  I pressed so I ran 3 miles, rather than the scheduled 4, but that was not that productive.  The parts I did run were not that quick.  I'm not sure if it was the abundance of Thai food yesterday, or the home brew beer I drank last night (2 pints since they have to brew in big bottles) but I will have to look out for that.

On the way back into the house to... ahem... take care of business, I stepped on the dog.  She has no idea how close she came to getting shat on.

Need to look up ways to prevent needing to shit during, or immediately following a run.  What a pleasant blog I am writing.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 2

Getting up today wasn't as bad as yesterday but second day soreness was an issue.  Legs were really stiff and sore starting off today.  I need to try to stretch at work today.  Cloudier too so it stayed dark.  No one cheered me on this morning.  I have been seeing other runners out the last two days as well, telling me that maybe not everyone is fat in Corpus Christi.

Need to stretch and stay flexible.  Hopefully soreness won't be an issue tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First Day, First Run

I have been extremely dilenquent over the past year or more at starting a regular running program.  So of course I signed myself up for Marathon number 3, the San Antonio Rock and Roll Marathon.  Now I am trying to take training seriously.

When I ran past marathons, I was in running groups where I had regular appointments I HAD to keep.  Now, I cannot find a good group to go running with.  I am supposed to start running with Corpus Christi Road Runners this coming weekend, but I need to check.

This morning's run was good.  Felt good after the initial half mile or so and felt strong at the end.  What I need to remember tomorrow is how energized I felt today as opposed to other days and make my lazy ass get out of bed.  The sunrise was beautiful over the cornfields.  Yes.  I run by cornfields. Oy gewalt.

I have a calendar printed, a stolen basic plan from Runner's World and a spot in the San Antonio marathon.  With the Texas heat never really ending, I need to stay hydrated.  My weekday runs are short and easy, with weekend LSD.  I also need to get a good amount of speedwork in if I am going to improve my time from the last marathon.

This morning a retarded man cheered for me from his busstop.  I ran faster.  Maybe I was encouraged by the cheer, maybe I wanted to avoid a retarded guy.  In any case I can now say I've run faster due to coyotes and a retarded man.  Here's to Texas running.