HA! So apparently one can have a good run when running over 30. Of course I didn't time myself, I didn't track too much and it was a mid-week maintenance run, but I'll take what I can get. There was definitely muscle soreness and some joint pains (knee and one ankle towards the end) but I ran through both and both went away quickly. This definitely felt like a "getting the kinks out" run. Let's hope the rest of the day can go this well.
Apparently other people run at 0600 in Corpus Christi. And apparently, for safety, those people run with flashing red lights on their heads. Today I did not wear a reflector because I thought the sun would be up 5 minutes into the run, and it wasn't I should have worn a reflector for safety. Now I shall wear reflectors when it is dark, and not be embarrassed. I could be running with a flashing red light on my head. Who knows, maybe they were jogging cops.
Maybe I need a flashing red light hat in my stocking this year at Christmas! Super cool!
Watch out what you wish for. Santa is an avid reader of running blogs.