Last weekend did not happen, but I think at the end of the day that was a good thing. I had cigars and scotch Friday night which has some unfortunate side effects for running, mainly a nasty hangover Saturday that I needed to sleep in Sunday to fully recover from. But, the 9.5/ 10 mile run was not good. Too hot, lots of walking, slow pace. A weekend off was probably better in the long run.
This week I am having serious issues getting out of bed. Those issues have a name: Charlie. He is waking up a lot. Eileen is awesome and tends to him, but I don't think I'm getting the kind of straight sleep I need.
The run Tuesday around base was because of lack of sleep. It was also slow and HOT. As I left for the run, my paralegal told me there were "Black Flag Warnings" IE- only an idiot with a death wish would run. I went anyway. About 4.5-5 miles, I tried to go hard on the last half mile, but it just wasn't there.
Thursday was WAY better. Yes it is a shorter run, but I felt goo through it and it was a decent feeling pace (I don't time myself). I felt so good that I went to take my dog for a 1/2 mile run. I dragged her the whole way. I guess dogs get out of shape too.
Which brings me to this weekend. Originally I planned on running 14 miles Saturday morning. Charlie woke up about every hour to 2 hours. Ridiculous. I thought that ended after 6 months old? Anyway, I was exhausted when I woke up. There was no way I could do a long run. So I took it easy yesterday and tried again tonight. Charlie woke up twice earlier, but I got a good stretch of sleep in. Then he woke up at 445. One hour before I am supposed to get up for my run. Ugh. Well, I hit snooze a few times and got out around 645. During the first mile or so it flet like a warm up. I took a different route than I've ever taken before so that had goo parts and bad parts. Good part is it looked WAY better than my normal route. Sure, still a lot of empty fields but this route had some water front running, right by the ocean and the first part with the fields was mostly while the sun was still coming up. I did have some stiffness in my knees I had to stretch out,plus some walking at the very end, but otherwise, I was happy with the run. Longest yet, I finished it, and I kept an easy plodding pace the whole time.
I also renewed my contempt for bikers. Really don't care the situation: if you weigh over 200 pounds, are not taller than 6 foot, and most of that mass is flab, don't wear spandex. Just don't. If you are over 60, don't wear spandex. Let me break it down for everybody: don't wear spandex. I also don't need to see giant 50+ year old asses trying to pump across a long flat bridge. Just get away from me. I'm runnin here.
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